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Danish Citizen Science Conference

Central players in citizen science in Denmark gathered at University of Southern Denmark in Odense on 7 October to exchange experiences and enhance cooperation.

One of the keynote speakers was Assoc. Prof. Caren Cooper from North Carolina State University, talking about her group's work with providing 'scaffolding' for bottom-up community science initiatives across the US.

One session was about co-created citizen science approaches for improving natural resource management. Among the speakers were Assoc. Prof. Josianne Støttrup from DTU-Aqua, Christian Clausen from Danmarks Jægerforbund Guldborgsund, and John Frikke from Naturpark Vadehavet. It became clear for the participants at the meeting that most efforts in citizen science in Denmark so far have been of the 'contributory' type where the role of citizens is tightly limited to data collection and that there may be unexplored potential for approaches with more profound engagement of citizens.

Gitte Kragh was in the planning committee and she and Finn Danielsen were also in the advisory board for the conference.

The full programme and the presentations are available here.

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